What is an Algorithm?


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Standup: Enric Botella
Script: Camila Costa, Carol Olona
Editorial: Carol Olona

Graphic Design, Animation, Sound Design and Video Edition: Agustín Actis

This project was coordinated, designed, animated, and even sound mixed by Agustin Actis, here we know him as “Kiwa” . We had a lot of feedback about the script, and we understand it… it’s so difficult to explain algorithm in a simple way. We are so glad with this work, we love it.

We share the process with the BBC MUNDO crew, and we found there such lovely people to work with. The whole process of this project took one month.

Once the master video in Spanish was approved, we made a template to be translated into other languages ​​that the BBC has services.

Nice job Kiwa! You did it again.